Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Lions and tigers and bears oh my

Good morning,
I seem to live with a menagerie of other small wild things - here are some pics. In development news, I'm starting to sleep better. For the last couple nights I've taken 2-4 hour sleeps twice during the night. This makes for a more rested mom.

Me and my sister Lily.

Me and Una (only our mother can tell us apart).

Mr. and Mrs. swallow on my back porch (sitting on 4 eggs).

Some wild creature that lives in my yard.

PS - I can goo and gurgle now, it's sooo cute.

See ya soon,

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Two weeks today

Hello to my internet fans. I'm two weeks old today - whoopee! I've grown to 22 inches and 8 pounds 12 ounces. By my calculations if I keep growing at this pace I'll be nearly 80 feet tall by the time I'm 18. Look out you tiny people.

I took my first walk down to the beach today. At least that's what they tell me. I slept the whole time. Nice clip on shades dad.

I tire of the paparazzi.

See you soon,

Monday, June 18, 2007


Good evening all. I'm oscillating quietly in my rain forest monkey swing, so I sent dad in to drop you all a line. I wasn't into the swing at first. But, I had a hard day today because mom didn't sleep much last night and is really fussy. So, I'm enjoying it now while she naps. I know she'll be up soon, she and I like to stay up all night watching movies and drinking (b-milk).

It's not as fast as it looks.

Coo gurgle,

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Getting older and bigger

Hello everyone - sorry it's been a couple days since my last entry, I've been busy bulking up. My doctor says I'm kicking ass and I should be up to my birth weight soon.

Mom and dad think I'm getting cuter, but they're grossly biased. So, we put together this split picture of me at birth and again today. You be the judge.

Dad is cool to hang out with but ...

Mom tastes MUCH better.

You can order prints of these, and any other picture from my blog here:

Keep your diaper clean,

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sleeping better

Good morning,
Mom is getting my belly full, and we've both been sleeping longer over the last day or so. Last night we actually slept for several hours!

Goo goo gaa gaa,

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Up all night

Good morning all,
Well mom and I were up all night again - she just loves hanging out with me. But I had to get some rest so we're taking our morning nap. Dad and I continue to play swaddle and escape, I'm still winning. Here's a few more pictures for some special fans.

The goblin prince at rest with his arms

Check out my cool monkey suit

Aunt Megan (hottie) and me

My warg guardians
(notice the "science" channel - I'm a brain)


Sunday, June 10, 2007

Good morning

Hello to my many fans. I spent my first night at home last night. Mom and I stayed up late bonding and now we're having a nap. I love to nurse, love it, can't get enough. I don't love having my clothes or diaper changed. I have a mighty battle yell to let people know when I'm being changed and don't like it, or when I want to nurse.

My handlers haven't settled on a nickname for me yet, but there are a few good ones forming. I snort - so piggy and piglet seem to fit. Dad calls me goblin and hobgoblin - I don't know what those mean but judging from the people around me it has something to do with being universally beautiful and loved.

See you soon,

Friday, June 8, 2007

I'm here!

Hey everybody - I'm still at the hospital hanging out while mom recovers. I sent dad home to make a quick blog entry for all my fans and well wishers.

I've got all my fingers and toes, and me and mom are in good health.

My stats
DOB: 6/7/2007 6:58pm
Weight: 8 pound 9.3 ounces
Length: 20 inches
Head circumference: 14 centimeters

Me and Grandma Judy

Me and Grandma Jeanie

Me and mom and dad

More pictures soon,
Love Ro

Friday, June 1, 2007

I'm coming soon!

Hello, my name is Rowan Kai Blacksher and I will be born soon. I'm posting my first blog entry with the help of my ghost writer and dad Josh.

This is a picture of me and mom a few weeks ago. I'm bigger now.

See you soon,