Sunday, June 17, 2018

Woodland Park Zoo (Seattle) with Andy

My 5th Grade Class did some work with Woodland Park Zoo staff earlier this year.  We studied wetlands and amphibians and how important they are for the planet's health.  I gained a real appreciation for amphibians and reptiles.  My 5th grade class had to work on projects and present them to zoo staff.  As a reward, each student got a pass for 4 people to go to the zoo.  I used mine yesterday.  I took my parents and Andy.
 Mom had to buy a parking pass.  Andy and I tried climbing this tree.
 When we got in, we went to the aviaries.  This bird wanted us to feed it!
 Andy and I liked the penguins.  This is their exhibit.  
 The grizzly bears were out and they were hot.

 Andy bought some bird feed sticks and we fed the birds.  We had a lot of fun.

 We took this funny picture before we saw the Komodo Dragon.

 We walked the whole zoo.  It was a good day, but we were tired when we left!

11th Birthday Party

I had my party at the Tag Zone again.  I invited friends from school, the Bridge School, friends from pre-school and friends from Hapkido.  We had a really good time running around for 2 hours.
 Mom painted a "Loot Llama" t-shirts for everyone as a take away gift.  Loot Llamas are in a really popular video game called Fortnite.
 My friend Sylas drew me a really cool picture of a guy holding a $20.  I was impressed with how good of an artist he is!
 My friend Andy came over to play.  Mom thought the size difference in our shoe size was photo worthy.  Andy's shoes are on thr left, mine on the right.
 Andy and I played with a maze game that I got from my birthday party.
At school we have a bearded dragon as a classroom pet.  His name is Sol.  I really like him.  I am trying to feed him.
 At school, we celebrated my birthday on June 6th.  Mom was teaching art that day, so it was easy for her to bring gluten free cupcakes..  My classmates each have to say something nice about me, including my teacher, Ms. Jines.
 It was nice to spend the last 20 minutes of the day outside in the sun.