Thursday, March 22, 2018

The rest of winter 2018

2018 so far has been normal.  In February, Mom and I had tickets to see "Hamilton".  Mom and I went to a Sunday afternoon show at the Paramount.  We both really enjoyed it.

Just last week I tested for my blue belt in Hapkido.  I am looking forward to learning harder material.
I am now an intermediate belt for this martial art.  It took me a year and a half to work up to this achievement after switching from Goju Karate to Hapkido.

5th grade at KMVA had a field trip to the Seattle Zoo.  I skipped the school bus ride with my peers because Mom and I drove up in the Subaru.  We stopped by our favorite Gluten Free Vegan bakery in Fremont-The Flying Apron.  I can eat almost anything from there.  It feels nice.
 Here I am with my team, Gracie & Victoriya.  We were making observations in the wetlands area.

Before we got back on the bus (accept me), we took a 5th grade photo.  It was a fun field trip.  Unfortunately, I became ill for almost a week after our adventure in early February.