Thursday, July 31, 2014

Bellevue Art Fair-Set Up

Last weekend was the Bellevue Art Fair.  I had to go with Mom to help set up.

 Grandma Judy's sister, Jackie makes really intricate, fine beaded jewelry.  I wasn't really that interested.
  I did like all the colors.

I was glad when Mom finally took me home.  There was not enough action in this activity.

Mt. St. Helen's- Johnston's Ridge

 The next morning we drove up to Johnston's Ridge.  It a foot hill that sits right in front of the volcano.  We had to drive to the end of Washington State Road 504.
We finally parked at Johnston's Ridge.

After these pictures we went to the interpretative center and learned more about the volcano.

On the way back, Jack got a picture with Big Foot.

Ape Cave-Mt. St. Helen's

My cousins Jack and Gavin are visiting from Chicago.  We (Mom, Dad, Tha tha, Uncle Colin, Jack, Gavin and myself) decided to go to Mt. St. Helen's.
 The forest on the south side of the mountain was dense, but ash and cool lava could be seen through the green.  Here is the entrance to Ape Cave.  Do you see the stairs going down?
The cave was not lit, so we had to bring our own lights.  We had head lamps and flashlights.
 As a group, we decided to do the easy leg of the cave.  It was 3/4 mi until we reached the end.
 The cave got bigger and smaller, the path got smoother and rougher.  Sometimes it was difficult to walk.
The cave also got cooler the farther we went.
This is Uncle Colin taking a picture of a natural lava formation.  It is named "The Meat Ball".
We were glad to finally find the entrance and go back up to the hot forest.
 When we resurfaced, there was a park ranger to answer our questions.  We all drank some water.
After a rest, we headed to the north side of Mt. St. Helen's.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Water Land Parade

Mom tells me that this parade was not done for years and was brought back to life by her friend Toni.  This is the first year that Des Moines has taken it over.  We decided to go since it has been a favorite activity of mine.
 We sat at The Scotch and the Vine.  My parents think parades are more fun with alcohol.  I prefer cotton candy.  Grandma Judy sat on the other side of the flags with me.
 Finally the parade started!
We had a Navy Band.  They were really good.
We saw retired pirates-after long lives of doing no good, settling down at Wesley Homes.
This was grandma's first Water Land Parade.  She looked like she was having fun.
There were several drill teams.  I liked their whistles!
The airport "Toe" truck!

Local High Schools' band and floats.  Oh there were lots of beauty queens, and Washington State elected officials.
Look!  It's Santa!  I always wondered what he did in the summer.
I meat a Seafiar Pirate! (not retired)  He gave me a coin.
Here is the Seafair Pirates' ship-Moby Duck.  
On the walk home, we got mauled by a bronze bear.  We are ok!  I had fun.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Having fun with Max

I had a good time with cousin Max.  The last two days we did local things, like running through the sprinkler....My cousins cannot do this since Texas is having a drought, but here they can!
 We hit each other with pool noodles in our underpants....
And we went to the Tag Zone on Saturday night with our dads.  

It was hot, but we had a really good time.

I look forward to Max coming back next summer.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Ocean Shores-Big Ocean!

 Yesterday, I did this in the Pacific Ocean!

I ran around with cousin Max. First we ran away from the water, and then we started running in it!  But before we did that , Max & I did this:
 Miniature Golf with everyone!  Including cousin Drew.
Unfortunately, before the 18th hole, my blood sugar level tanked and I threw my club!  Mom got me some cookies and I was better.

After golf, we went to the big beach, direct onto the Pacific Ocean.

It was so much fun!!!!!
Later, we went back to the first beach and tried building sand castles.
This was the view toward the ocean while walking back to our cabin at Collin's Inn

Our cabin!  We ended the day enjoying the wi-fi on our ipads.