Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Museum of Flight

On Friday, most of the school met up at the Museum of Flight.

 While waiting for everyone to show up, we played tag under an airplane.
 We had to get stamped...
 and listen to some guy talk about the museum (this is always my least favorite part).
 Our group went to go look at the Space Shuttle mock up.  Real astronauts trained on this.
 We are standing in the cargo bay.

 We got to go on an old Air Force 1 (Kennedy/Nixon era).
 And a Concord.  I didn't find this interesting.

 The Space section was fun.
 In the mock space station, we got to look down at the earth.
Mom and I went to go look at the WW2 airplanes.  Overall, I had a lot of fun.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Seeing Old Friends

During Spring Break, we had the opportunity of getting outside and playing.  I saw some old friends from early childhood.  Our mother's met at a park in Bellevue, and the kid's played for 2 hours.

I played with Sabrina, Josh and Paige.

Yellow Belt!

After almost 2 years of karate, I have finally earned my yellow belt!  I am so happy.
The test was two hours, but it was worth it.
Sensei tied my new belt on me.

I look forward to earning my orange belt!