Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

It turned out to be a great night for Trick or Treating.  It was mild and not raining.  I got to wear most of my costume to school. (No scary mask.)  After dinner my parents took me to the Landmark on the Sound Halloween Carnival.
 The Landmark on the Sound is a Masonic Home that is now empty and used for events.  They have a Halloween Event every year.  I mainly came for the "Haunted Hallway".

I decided to play some games first.
I really liked the fishing game.  I got some cool pumpkin cookies that I can't eat.
We headed toward the "Haunted Hallway"
I don't think I want to go now......
"I know it's just pretend Mom"

 The Hallway was dark with strobe lights.  There were lots of zombie teenagers in a Hospital of the Dammed theme.
I was glad to be outside.
Next, it was to Grandma Judy's.  She has the perfect street to Trick or Treat on.

A few of the houses were really decked out.  I liked the witches under the garage door.  Next we went to Poppa and Jeanie's.
I met up with Lillian, the girl next door and we Trick or Treated our street.
It was a good night.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Party at the Dojo

For the Halloween festivities this year, I have decided to combine last year's costume (skeleton zombie) with my new costume (soldier).  Mom said that I looked scary.  My parents and I went to our dojo Halloween party.  I go to Goju Karate down in Kent, and the students and their families bring food and set up games for the younger kids.  Sensei and the older kids/parents, even put together a haunted house.
I played the games.  That's Isabelle, she is the tooth fairy.
I found one of my Tiny Tiger buddies.....
I got some candy, although I really am not very interested in it.
Nathaniel, Arun and I decided to see if we could go to the haunted house.  We found out that it didn't open until later, so we could not go.
On our way out, we saw that someone had made this really awesome cake.  I had a nice time, even though I can't eat the cake.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Earthworks-Johnson Pit #30

Mom and I have driven by this pit a lot.  We finally decided to go and check it out before dinner yesterday.

 The camera is flattening the image out. It is actually deeper than it appears.

 This is at the bottom.

 Lily, one of our dogs, had a great time running around.

 I ran around too!

 Dad and I posed at the top of the hill.

It was fun running around.  Kent has another Earthworks Park.  We will go visit it soon.

Inspired by Brick Con

I have been inspired to play with my legos and make cool scenes.  This scene, is about zombies and zombie hunters.

University of Washington Arboretum Field Trip

My class (The Coho Room) at the Bridge School had it's first field trip last Tuesday.  My parents came along too as chaperons.  My friend Andy rode with us in the car.  We were one of the first to get to the Graham Center, so my Dad took us off to the side so that Andy & I could run around.

When everyone else arrived, our Guide found us.  She had us drop all of our backpacks in the greenhouse.  We moved on to look at the bees.
I was glad that the bees were at a distance.
I had a hard time focusing on what the group was doing.  Then it started to rain.  The grown ups all made sure that we had our coats on.
We looked at steaming compost.  I wasn't overly excited.  We moved further into the park, where the guide had a game for us.  We found a partner.  We blindfolded that partner and we lead them around to a tree.  Our partners were supposed to smell, feel the tree.  They were then lead back to the picnic table, where the blindfold was removed, and then our partner's had to find their tree.  

Andy was my partner, he took me on a long walk!  I did eventually find my tree.
Andy's turn!

Andy found his tree too.  The rain seemed to be falling harder.  The guide has us follow her further into the arboretum.

It was a very lovely place.  Then we heard thunder!  The guide wanted to take us back to the buildings.  Chris a Dad, looked on his smart phone.  Thunderstorm cells were close.  As we walked back to the buildings.  Lightning flashed across our heads!  It was all very exciting, and disappointing that we had to go back indoors.

We came to a small office where we talked about trees.  Eventually we sifted through dirt.  I found Mom and told her that I was bored.  It was too bad that we happened to be under a thunderstorm.  Eventually we ate our lunches and took one last picture of the class.

We all went back to school.