Monday, April 30, 2012

Legions of the Undead

I still LOVE zombies.  I now make all kinds with my Legos.
Some are dressed up, others more casual.  I've got some crawlers near the back-those are creepy.
Some have pumpkin heads with hard hats....
Others have green faces.....
And you cannot have zombies without zombie hunters.  They keep the planet safe, by shooting the zombies.
Sometimes the zombie hunters look like storm troopers/ clones.  It's all a lot of fun.

Storybook Theatre-The Little Mermaid

On Thursday my class went to see a production of The Little Mermaid.
We got to sit up front and center!  So close!
I was excited before the production started.
Here is my Teacher-Shannon!
I got to sit next to Lydia and Madeleine.  The show was about an hour long and the actors could sing very well.  I thought it lacked action.  There was not ONE fighting scene.  Mom said that she liked it because the Little Mermaid ended up returning to her family instead of changing herself into a human.  The next play we go to has to have ninjas or robots or zombies or something!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Still working on dressing myself!

I find putting shirts on and taking them off to be difficult!  Dad was trying to show me an easy way.
I laid the shirt down on the floor and gathered it up.
 Getting my head through the neck hole is the hard part.
My arms were a little easier.

 There! Don't I look great!  I am wearing my zombie T-shirt.  My love of zombies has not diminished within the last year
I have built Lego environments where the good guys are hunting down and taking out zombies!

Marine View Park

This park is a hidden treasure in Normandy Park, Washington.  It's close by and it has a STEEP walk down to the Sound-so it's not for the faint of heart.  Dad thought it would be fun to go back to this park, since we haven't been there for awhile.
There were a bunch of new driftwood signs.  They were very artistic.  We decided to take the trail down instead of following the main path.
Una & Lily came too.
Views while going down.
We threw some rocks on the beach.  The dogs like chasing broken shells (they aren't very smart).
Going back up to the car is the hard part.  But it is a really good work out, and there are lots of benches on the way.  Remember to bring some water.  Mom, Dad, the dogs and I, all needed  a good drink.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


It was wetter than normal last week.  Lillian's yard started getting some serious mud puddles.  Our mom's threw on our rain pants and boots.  Out of her whole yard-THIS is where we wanted to play.
I was having so much fun, I even sat in the mud.  Lillian and I started playing the "I got stuck game!".  We'd stomp in the mud until we would create enough suction to get our boots trapped.
Here is my butt.
We had a really good time.  I got thrown in the bath tub after this play date.  A small price to pay.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Man Bag-I mean satchel!

I noticed recently that my Indiana Jones mini fig has a purse.  I told Mom about it.  Mom informed me that they are called Man Bags or satchels.
Here is my Dad and his satchel.  His bag is good for holding all of my accessories-water, shoes, light coat...
(my stuffed lion, legos, toy guns....)

Small Dog Party at the Dog Park!

I love it when Mom and I go to the dog park and we meet lots of nice small dogs.  (I am wary of the big, active dogs, because they like to knock me over.)  This black poodle, Missy, is a favorite dog friend of mine.  Missy is always happy to see me.
My dog's like Missy too.  That's Lily with her.
Una is more interested in the ball than Missy.
Just when I thought the fun was over-three pugs came over to play.  I LOVE pugs.  I think that they are very funny dogs.  I once asked Mom if we could get a pug and keep it a secret from Dad.  She said: "No".  That was to having a secret pug......
All three pugs were very friendly.  No grumpy ones.

I was sorry to leave, but hopefully we will run into the three pugs again.