Tuesday, January 31, 2012

School and other things....

Mom finally finished my rainbow skull sweater.  It only took ten months!  I can wear it right now since even though it's a size 6 (to fit six year olds.)

I like it, but find it warm.  I am hot blooded!
Today at school I played with the Potato Heads.  I built them and then I made them self destruct. 

Look at this one!
Here I am with Olivia, Vaugn, & Porter.
Some of my friends painted jungle animals with shaving cream & paints.  Cesa was working on this elephant.
Nice!  I do not like touching messy things.
We played sitting on the bus-singing the song.  I sat next to Vaugn.

After that, I became grumpy and had a hard time sitting.  I told Mom that I had a terrible day at Pre school.

Friday, January 27, 2012

New Look

I got my hair cut yesterday.  I asked my stylist NOT to wash my hair.  She used a spray bottle instead.  I got two lollipops because I sat still-even though I had a "I don't want to be here" look on my face.  School pictures are in February so Mom wanted me cleaned up.  Also, I found out that I will be in my first dance performance at the end of June.  It's "Alice in Wonderland".  My Mom can't wait.

Maddox turns One

Finally my cousin is growing up.  He started walking within the last couple of weeks.  I asked Mom when he'd talk and she told me not for another year and a half.  Wow.  It's taking a LONG time.  We passed on my train set to Maddox.  I loved that wooden train set when I was one and two.
There he is.....
There were two other boys about my age.  They were fun until the parents put on a movie.  I am not a big movie watcher-I'd rather play.   Fortunately Dad was available for fun.
We played pool.  I liked getting the colored balls in the pockets.
Here is a picture of Grandma Jeanie with her two grandsons.

State of Emergency?

Ok-it's been a week since this has happened.  Our snow turned into frozen rain and covered everything!  Trees started to bend over, roads were ice rinks and power cables were snapping all over the place!  We were lucky, we only lost power for little over a day.  We spent the night with my Grandparents because even thought they live close, they are on a different power grid.
Here are some bushes bending away from the house!
We came home for a couple of hours-the house was 49 degrees.  Mom heated water on the BBQ for tea.  Fortunately the power came back on late afternoon.
The dogs were wearing their sweaters indoors and snuggling up in their beds.  Unfortunately, about 4 days later we had a wind storm that brought 50-60mph winds off the Sound.  We lost power at 11:30pm but the power company had it back on after several hours.  Fortunately the weather has been really calm the last couple of days.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snow Day 2

Later on Wednesday I got outside with my neighbor Lillian.  The snow was much stickier than it was in the morning.  I was able to make snow balls.  I declared to my mother that "I love winter!"  Fortunately, she didn't bring up the fact that I said quite the opposite a couple days ago.  I was mad because school was canceled.

I could make snow balls!  I had a small fight with Mom because Lillian was too young to play.
Lillian found her snow balls!  But, she didn't throw them.
I had two!

I made some snow angels!
And we helped with a snowman.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Snow Day

The Seattle Area is experiencing "Snow Storm '12" as they call it on the news channels.  My Dad stayed home and there was no school, parent meetings or knitting groups.  The milkman actually made the  milk delivery but we are dubious about the poor postman coming......
Dad and I were going to make a fort, but it was too cold and would not stick together.

We decided to go in and wait to see if it warmed up.  So far, it hasn't.  The news is forecasting rain on Friday, so the snow in should be short lived.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I love Clone Wars

Recently Mom, Dad and I have been watching the Clone Wars.  I really enjoy all the action and the fighting scenes.  With help, Mom let's me look up Lego Star Wars Movies on You tube. I was inspired by one and made my own diorama from it.

It's a forest battle scene between the good guys (clones) and the bad guys (robots).  I told Mom that we need to get more flowers from the Lego Store to add them to my battlefield.
I am finally able to undress myself.  I still find shirts hard-but I am managing.
Good news!  Veta (the blonde one)-an old friend from pre-school (2's & 3's) has joined Miss Hightower's dance class.  I will now be seeing her every Thursday evening.
We got measured out for our costumes for our performance coming up in June.  I am excited to be on stage.

Lastly, we have been talking about the letter R in school-so rats have been a hot topic.  We made a rat costume at school this week.  I had Una and Lilly wear my rat ears and took pictures of them.

2012-Off to a good start!

After the Christmas break, I was happy to go back to school and see my friends.  One of them, Malisa, had her 5th birthday and invited everyone from school.  It was at a Thai Restaurant and her mother, did all of the Thai cooking.  It was fabulous.
Not a great picture of me-but my classmates are sitting at the bar, watching PBS and drinking juice.
We even got to play on the stage!
We had a good time playing with balloons.  There's Olivia, she's also in my dance class.
There's Malisa.  We are singing Happy Birthday!  I am looking kind of sweaty.
I got this great cup cake.  I licked off the frosting.  It was a fun party.  Cousin Maddox turns One later this month-so that should be fun too.

New Year, New Look!

Mom has brought some reading glasses home-she has decided that her 20/20 vision is no longer 20/20.  I really liked one of the pairs and took it as my own pair of glasses (after she pushed out the lenses.)  I wear mine when she wears hers.

Of course it wouldn't be the new year if my parents didn't have a new house project.  Dad and I demoed (is that a word?) the useless linen closet.  I had a good time with the mallet and the goggles.
Here's a picture of me a cousin Maddox.  We got to spend some time with him on New Year's Eve.