Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Zoo Lights-Point Defiance Zoo

My parents took me back to Zoo Lights last night.  We haven't visited since I was two. (We tried last year, but it was so crowed that we turned around and left.)  Last night was really rainy, but warm.  There were other people there, but no crowds.
We all wore our rain suits and saw all the lights.  Unfortunately, Mom's camera was unable to really catch the magic of this event.

Mom was surprised that they even managed to put lights on a big Monkey Puzzle Tree.  She was certain that it was a dangerous job.  There were a few animals to see, although most went to bed.  We went to the Aquarium and we saw a tiger.
We even got some of my favorite cotton candy ice cream.
This stuff is really good.  I highly recommend it.  We walked around a little more until we were all completely soaked.
We went home and dried off and watched some more Christmas movies.

Christmas CAME!

After what seemed an eternity, Christmas finally came.  I was so excited, I woke up early!  (Fortunately Dad has reverse insomnia so he was already up.)
 Wow!  Look at all those presents!

I had everything open within 15 minutes.  Santa brought me Legos, megablocks and lots of books.

We then went over to my grandparents where we also saw Aunt Megan, Uncle Patrick, and cousin Maddox.  I got to open some more presents.
It was a good day.  Too bad I have to wait another year for it to come again.

Waiting for Christmas......

School and dance ended the middle of December so I found that I had a lot of time on my hands.  To keep busy,  I did my usual routine of walking dogs and playing with my next door neighbor Lillian.  I also played games on the X Box with Dad....

 And with Mom.....
 We have been playing Lego Star Wars Clone Wars-we finally figured out how to get on the bad guys space ship!  I photographed my dogs......
 Mom and I built a gingerbread house and made glitter pine cones for the Christmas Tree.
Mom made some hats for Christmas gifts and asked me to model them so she could put them on

I liked them both.

Grandma Jeanie took a great hair shot of me!  I played a lot with my Legos.  I was inspired by zombies and played that.  I had some zombies eating a turkey and an apple.

Oh when will Christmas come?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Christmas Card 2011

Here it is!  Our 2011 Christmas card.  I have been a fan of Rudolph the red nosed reindeer for awhile.  Mom told me that she was scared of the abominable snow man (aka the Bumble), but I do not find him scary at all.  I love photo shooting these cards because we make it a family event.
We shot it in my bedroom, which is gold.  It cast a yellow glow on most of the pictures. (Mom knows better for next year.)

I tried some action shots, but Mom wanted me to just stand and smile.

I had a hard time standing still after awhile so here is : "Elf in Action!".

I also had to hug Cubby the polar bear and Chaffy.  I look forward to what my parents come up with next year.  Presently, I am STILL WAITING for Christmas.  When is it going to come?

Friday, December 9, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Grandma comes for a visit!

Grandma Judy comes several times a year.  This time she came between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We frosted some sugar cookies together.
She read me some books and we played Legos.  When Grandma comes to town, we do strange things like go to bead stores.  We had fun.
We got our Christmas tree while Grandma was here.  She made some more Zombie felties to hang on it.  I helped decorating the tree this year.

I had some trouble with the bird.....Mom and I also made some glitter pine ones to put on it.  I am excited that Christmas is so close.