Monday, May 30, 2011

Next door neighbor

The last couple of weeks I have noticed, that my neighbor Lillian is out playing in her yard.  Lillian is 20 months and loves running around digging in her flower beds.  I asked her Mom, if I could come over.
We run!
play with her balls and her dog Wendell.

And look at plants.  I look for Malinda (Lillian's Mom) every afternoon to ask if I can go over and play.  Other things this week:
I completed the 3's class at school and
Gabbi comes over to play every Friday morning.  Next week we are going to take her to the dog park.

School Field Trip to Point Defiance Zoo

Mom and I went back to the Tacoma Zoo, this is one of two zoos that I have done face plants and got checked for a concussion back when I was young.  Those were the days when I ran around like I was drunk.  Now I am much more coordinated.  This field trip started with a light western Washington rain that continued to get heavier and heavier....
I played briefly in the play area.
Smiled in front of the bamboo.  The weather was getting worse.  All the little animals were snug in their beds and not out in the exhibits.

Me in front of the tiger exhibits-no tigers.
I did enjoy the otters.  After an hour and a half of rain-even eating my ice cream out in it, I asked Mom if we could go home.  So we drove back.

Getting ready to party!

Kaden is having his birthday at the Family Fun Center.  Dad decided to come.

We spent some time playing in Kidopolis-a four story child habitrail....
We stopped for a short while to eat a little pizza and some cake.  It took too long for the cake, so I decided to pass.  Dad, Mom and I went outside to play...
Miniature golf.  I cheated.
Dad took me the following weekend back to the Family Fun Center because we had such a good time. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Seattle Aquarium

 It was a rainy Sunday, so my parents and I decided to go to the Seattle Aquarium.  Mom said that the last time I was here, that I was a fetus.  We walked under the Viaduct to try and stay dry.  Of course, if we had another 6.8 earthquake, it would collapse and crush us.  We took our chances.
There was this really active fountain outside of the Aquarium.  I like waterfalls, so Dad and I went to check it out.
Mom noticed a cruise ship (that big white thing) was parked nearby.
When we first entered, there was a giant waterwall.  For some reason, I would not get close to it.
I did get close to the tide pools.
and the coral reefs.

I liked the otters and the seals.  I really wanted to see a shark, but they only had tiny one's  Mom told me that we are going to the Tacoma Zoo soon-they have some sharks.

I can spin on one leg!

From the Rowan archives...

Mom was looking at her You Tube account and found this old video.  She forgot how small I used to be with limited speech.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Aurelia's Party

I went to Aurelia's 4th Birthday Party at the Federal Way Community Center.  They had a really cool kid pool.....until they turned on the water!
I got out of there fast and never went back in.
It was about this time that a gruff life guard told mom that no cameras were allowed in the pool area.  She told him that we were leaving.  We got dressed and waited for our friends in the party room.
Fortunately, Aurelia came into the party room.
We had lunch and then.......
CAKE!  Aurelia's Dad made her a Hello Kitty Cake.  It was pinklicious.
I cannot not wait for my birthday, but Kaden's birthday is next.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Everyone should like a good hat...

I am sporting this spangled hat from preschool.  It works well with my pug shirt.  Did you know that I like pugs?  There's one at the dog park that we see from time to time named MaGoo.
I made Mom this hat for our Mother's Day lunch.  I am smiling just like my mom-poorly.  We had lunch at school.
I am still dancing.  I'm telling Mom that I have to pee.
I only have two more classes left and I am done.  I am really picky about teachers.  Mom tried to put me in soccer, but after three classes of not participating, I dropped.


As you all know, Easter came really late this year.  I kept hearing about the Easter Bunny, being one of the privileged few who can slip into our house at night with out the police being called.  Well, it seemed like Easter took forever coming here.  It was worth the wait.  I am really not into candy.  Seriously, I dislike jellybeans.  Milk chocolate is ok.  I do like Peeps & lollipops, but that, is it.
I only had a small piece of this bunny, and then I threw it out.
There were lego minifigures in the plastic eggs.
My favorites were Boba Fett & Jango Fett.
I also got a whole small set to assemble.  It had lots of clones.