Friday, October 22, 2010

Christmas Wish List

I know it's early, BUT I have been seeing all this Christmas stuff in the stores.  After last year, I know what Christmas is about.  It's about getting!   While we were driving to the pumpkin patch, Gabbi's Mom told my Mom about taking picture's of toys for Santa.  I thought it was a good idea, so we started this evening.
 I LOVE Legos, especially ones with mini figures.  The one above may be a little too old for me, but, it was cars!  I asked Mom to take the pictures.

 Dad and I started playing Halo last week.  They have fake Legos.  They look like a lot of fun!
 These are cool!  Robot things......
 I love knights and castles.  This might be a big wish.
 I also LOVE Batman, although I could find no Batman Legos, this Bat Cave looks like a lot of fun.
 They have two Bat Mobiles, this is the LARGER one.  I like this one because both Batman and Robin can fit in.
 I like Disney's Cars.  I am interested in the race car ones like: Leak Less & Octaine Gain.  They are $3.99 to $4.99 a piece.   I also would like Ramone, Sally & Doc Hudson.
So here it goes:
Dear Santa:
I have been a good boy this year.  I had my last major tantrum at least 2 month ago.  I help Mom feed & walk the dogs and take out the recycling.  I have been going to bed at 8 o'clock on a regular basis and I eat my vegetables.  Please bring me Lego's, batman stuff, 6 Pomeranians, 4 Pugs and throw in a couple of tiny chiwawa's.
Love, Rowan age 3
P.S.  No clothes

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thomasson Family Farm-Pumpkin Patch

Today our school had a field trip.  We went to a pumpkin patch.  Mom told me that we came here last year, but did not fully embrace all the activities, like we did this year.  We went with Gabbi & her Mom.
 We arrived 40 minutes early, so we had to stay entertained while the rest of the kids and their parents came.
 We took one of these silly photos.  They had lots of photo opportunities around the farm
 We started going on a hay ride out to the pumpkins.  I would not do this last year.
 Gabbi & I had to pick out a pumpkin.
 I liked this little one.
 We had to wait again, because the school was divided in half for the hay ride. Gabbi found a beetle.
 And I pumped water.
 I enjoyed going up the slide.
 The best part of the trip was jumping in the corn.  I loved this, so did most of the kids.
 There was also a hay bale play ground.  This was fun too.

 At the very end, we got some ice cream.  Wow, it was 3 hours of non stop activity.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Snoqualmie Falls

I really like waterfalls.  Fortunately, my grandparents did something about it.  They drove me out to Snoqualmie Falls on Sunday.  It's a really big waterfall.
 Unfortunately, there was a lot of mist in the air.  It really is a lovely waterfall.
 Here I am with Grandma Jeanie.

 Near the waterfall, there was a train (out-of service).  I got to play with the gears.
Grandma & Grandpa brought a picnic lunch.  It was a fun morning.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Redondo Beach, WA

This Saturday, I hung out with Nobu at Redondo Beach.  My grandparents like to bring me here from time to time.  This beach has the 3rd largest aquarium in Washington State.  
 Nobu and I got to feed the starfish.  Mom thought they were spooky but that didn't stop me from giving them pieces of fish.  We feed those big orange ones.
 When I was done, I pulled y sleeves down.  It was really cold this morning, but things were starting to warm up.
 I like this place.  Nobu was looking in the binoculars at something.
 It was high tide so there was barely any beach.  Lots of scuba divers tough.  I threw rocks.

 Both Nobu & I played on the beach.  What you don't see is that a bald eagle flew up behind us, caught a fish in the water and then flew back toward Salt Water State Park.  Mom was cursing because she forgot which pocket she put in her camera.  Anyway, it was an amazing sight.

We had a good morning and then we went to McDonald's were we ate lunch and played in the kid's habitrail.  Mom and Nobu's mo were laughing, because all that is missing is a water bottle and a wheel.

Grand View-Dog Park

It has been sunny and nice around here recently.  Mom still takes me to the dog park every day.  The sky was blue and the clouds were white and puffy.
 Lately, we have been seeing a lot of small breed dogs.  I like Pomeranians, pugs, and basically all small dogs.  I told Mom that I wanted 6 Poms and 2 black pugs.  Mom asked what I wanted to name my pugs and I told her "Dork & Dammit".  She couldn't stop laughing.  I am such a creative name giver.
She asked me if I wanted any big dogs and I told her: "No, I already have one."

Spanish Class-Darcy Read Coop Preschool

 Since it's October, Teacher Maria decided to dedicate this week's class about spiders.  The spider's have been out in abundance and getting really big.  We started class by making spider's out of marshmallows and pretzels.  Several kids consumed all of the spider's made in the class.
 They do look yummy.  Mom was surprised that I resisted.
 Teacher Maria had us singing the "itsy bitsy spider" in Spanish.
 We went outside to look for spider's in the church's garden.
 I looked under things....
and in things, but I did not have much luck in spider and bug hunting.  Oh well.  It was fun to look anyway.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The things that Mom knits me......

Fall is really here, we woke up and it was kind of cold.

 New painting from school...
 Mom knit me a Totoro Hat from the Japanese movie "My Neighbor Totoro".  We love this movie, it's good for both kids and parents.

 This is what the hat looks like off my head.  This is O Totoro, a Japanese tree spirit.
The Viking costume just needs the side ties-to keep it from sliding around.  Ravelry-and International internet site for knitter's and crocheter's wants to "feature" my costume soon.  Mom is honored.  She's hoping to get a better picture of me in it.