Monday, May 31, 2010

Kaden's Party & Bubbleman

Kaden celebrated his birthday on May 30th instead of the 20th. It was combined with his sister's birthday. It was a grey morning, but at least it wasn't raining. We got there early. Kaden and I got to play with the balloons before it got crowded.
Playing with the balloons was fun!
Soon after, we went outside to see the Bubbleman. I sat on Mom's lap for quite awhile.
I was lured off her lap. The Bubbleman was like a pied piper of children.
He made a lot of bubbles!
I tried to get some.
Some were HUGE!

Unfortunately, by the end of the show, I was feeling tired. I asked my folks to take me home, even before the cake was cut. I took an early nap.


My first trip to the movie theater happened May 28th. My parents took me to Shrek 4. I made it through the whole movie, but I was ready to go home when it ended.
Mom made me a house this week.
It's narrow, but good thing I'm so thin!
The door even works!
Poppa made me some small bowling balls and pins. I like to play with them.

Last Day of School 2010-Darcy Read Preschool

I played with the cute plastic bears.
I played with the view masters.
We painted summer hats.
I painted a few more masterpieces for Mom. They will have to last her the summer.
And I played in the rice box. This is too much fun.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kaden turns 3! & Bowling at Southcenter

Now that we are back in Washington, I got to bowl with Dad and Poppa. Acme was larger than Jupiter Bowl. Mom got spoiled by the plush surroundings at great service at Jupiter Bowl and what Acme seemed to lack.

I had a really good time anyway. I really want to bowl more.
Kaden celebrated his 3rd birthday on May 20th. I got to go over and have a cupcake, which couldn't fit in my mouth due to my pacifier. I was feeling the need to be comforted that afternoon. Kaden got three cupcakes. There he is working on two.
Kaden's birthday bash is coming on Memorial Day Weekend. I can't wait. More on his party later.

What? I like to sleep with an ax.

Mom caught me sleeping with my ax, morning star, and my lion. I am all boy.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Other things...

While Mom and I were away, Dad started bathing in the front yard..........
I finally sat in Grandma Judy's lap my last day visiting her.
I got to play with water out on her deck.
She had hand surgery, AGAIN.
We celebrated Mom's birthday. I picked the cupcake without the flower.
I sure love cupcakes.

Zoo-this time I didn't fall on my head.

Grandma, Mom and I went back to the Salt Lake City Zoo. I was more interested in the playground than the animals.
I'm on the spider! I used to be scared of this.
I got a stuffed animal. (Mom is such a sucker.) I named him Tigeree. He has a cute face and paws. I love him so.
I got to pet Steven, the tortoise.
And back at the playground......


Jumping down the slide!



Since the weather remained bad, Mom, Grandma Judy, & I went to Jupiter Bowl. This was my first trip to a real bowling alley.
I picked out a 6 pound ball.
It was a very swank bowling alley.
The bartender brought me a ramp. It was awesome!
I got the hang of it very quickly. I REALLY like to bowl. More on this later.

Park City

I spent a lot of time at the field House because the weather was bad. I managed to have a good time.
I played soccer and Frisbee with Mom.
I also went on the bouncy things.
I really liked falling on the fake grass and getting little pieces of rubber in my hair.