Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Kent Kid's Art Day

This event happened about three weeks ago. I got sick and then Mom forgot. It was an art making event. I lasted about two hours and I churned on a lot of art work. Unfortunately, Mom only documented half my projects. (She forgot that she had a camera.) Here I am making a fish print.
Little Josh was here too.
Here's my print.
This is what the poor fish looked like.
I also did some more traditional print making.

I got to sew a bean bag. I really liked this.
I also got to melt crayons on a hot plate and do some rubbings.


At Kent Kid's Art Day I got to sew for the first time. I made a bean bag. Kitty cats were on one side, sports balls were on the other. Two of my favorite things.

Being Two!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

At the Beach

March has come in like a lamb. Sun and 60 degrees. We went to the beach on Wednesday because it was so nice out.
Josh and I threw sticks into the stream.
Kaden and I ran around the play area.
Look at this BIG shell!
I also like throwing rocks into the Sound.
The sun went behind the clouds and it got cool. It was really nice while the sun lasted.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Picture Day!

Mom made me wear this stupid sweater. She said that it was picture day. For some reason, I couldn't paint....
The photographs were taken in a room down the hall. Here I am on a couch when I am supposed to be sitting with the rest of the group. I am such a rebel!
Most of us are here...
Ok, we are all here. Take the picture!
I had to wait to have my portrait taken.
I combed my hair.....
And smiled for the camera! I liked the photographer. He was funny and so was his little frog.

Last Half of February

Mom was sick for the last half of February, so that's why there were less posts. This is me wearing my Dad's shoes.
I am trying NOT to take naps, but sometimes I poop out around dinner time. As you can tell, I am a fan of Lighting McQueen.

Josh had his 3rd Birthday this month. There he is with his Mom.
I went with Kaden. There he is.
I enjoyed it. I learned about Swedish Fish-yum!
I got a balloon and some pirate stuff.