Mom finally made my name! It's been what? Over 2-1/2 years. I knew it said Rowan.

I did get to hang out with old friends during the winter vacation.

Mom made me some pants. I like my pirate pants. They go with my Swedish slippers.

Tonight we went back to the Tacoma Zoo. Followers of my blog will know that this is the other zoo that I had a bad fall at. Well, we went at night to see the Zoo Lights. I went with my folks and Grandma Jeanie. There was a rainbow. I really liked it. Please know that Mom's camera is not doing justice tot he actual experience.

I'm by the rainbow! See how happy I am?

I had to hold Dad's hand so that I would not get any head injuries.

We walked through that!

We stopped for an ice cream. It was really good-cotton candy flavor. The steam is from Dad's coffee. We sat outside so that we could enjoy all the pretty lights.

The view.

aquarium was open. I saw sharks!

We walked back up to the car. That bright spot is the scotch brite triangle on the back of my raincoat. I got a light up wand with fiber optics that changes colors. It is cool!