Halloween Day started out at 5:30am. I haven't seen Mom look that dazed in a while. There were pockets of fog in the valleys. We noticed this as we drove from Park City to Heber.

Leigh Ann was a scary witch today. Mom wanted to see her.

I love her cat Sunny, but Sunny does not love me.

Leigh Ann Had this really cool haunted house. I found it fascinating.

Mom made me take a 'forced' nap before trick or treating in downtown Park City. I didn't want to wear my costume. I would not come near my purple cape. I didn't want to approach people.

Ok, I do what with this bag?

Alright, I like getting candy. This is more fun than I originally thought. Hey, I saw a gnome, that was so LAST YEAR.

I even got close enough to take the candy.

Main street was packed. Kids, adults and dogs were all in costume.

Oh yeah, Mom got half her hair cut off. She was lame, no costume.

Check out the dog-he's wearing a hat!

Grandma did well too. She was the sherpa instead on Mom, pushing the stroller full of stuff.

This was fun. I lasted an hour and a half.