As part of Carson's birthday celebration, there was a tour at the local fire house. Of the kids invited, I was in the middle age wise. Carson was turning 3. I woke up on the wrong side of the crib so I was feeling a little fragile when we got to the fire house.

I hung back and let the bigger kids interact with the firemen/women and the fire trucks.

That's Carson in the glasses. He doesn't really need them.

I took my time checking things out. Eventually I had a good time.

This truck is HUGE!

I liked the ambulance too.

This fireman scared me. He tried to be nice. But I wouldn't have it.

Back at Carson's house, I got to play with his toys.

The older kids liked Yo Gabba Gabba Dance Party. I wasn't into it.

I tried helping Carson open his gifts (he was the helpful young man who opened most of my gifts at my first birthday.) But Carson was all over it. It was a fun afternoon.