Yesterday we went grocery shopping. I have been pointing out symbols that I see. There's a huge sign with a #2 on it. I love pointing to it and saying: "two"! Oh, I got Mom to open an unpaid for bag of Pirate's Booty.

If you have not tried Pirate's Booty, you do not know what you are missing.

I got this in the mail yesterday. Great Aunt Peggy funded it. She wanted to get me something that I really wanted. I have been really interested in numbers and letters since mid December. This is only part of it. More magnetic letters are coming, so we can eventually spell words.

I had a really good time playing with them-until I started throwing the blocks. Then my parents started getting agitated. What's up with them?

Above are the letters and numbers that I can recognize. The letter 'I' should be in there too, I have already misplaced it. I bet one of the dogs ate it.......Yesterday, I actually watched Sesame Street. It was about the letter G and the number 9.