Sunday, August 31, 2008


I have been practicing with the walking...hopefully soon!

Laundry Basket

I got goofy this weekend and decided to do something new!

First Half of Labor Day Weekend

Uncle Shanth Came to visit. His wife, Aunt Kelly is going to have my new cousin in about three weeks in Dallas, Texas. Uncle Shanth was ok. His super powers are playing with slightly older boys. I can't wait to see him again.
I climbed into the laundry basket all by myself!
My folks and I went back down to the Sound yesterday, to a new beach, south of us. I still am not a great fan of sand. I managed to move quickly-I got my pants all wet before my Dad picked me up-I think we have it on video.....
This is my new T-shirt!
After my bath last night, Dad let me play with my mobile from Elsa in Sweden. I love the sheep. Dad gave me a "Cindy Lou Who" Hairdoo-whatever that means.
More soon!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Playing with Dad

I love playing with my father-he's very different than my mother. He chases across the house and we play on the bed. I crawl away as fast as I can squealing! He also likes me to test my limits. He is really encouraging me to walk. More on that later.....

Dad's day

Oh, I found these cars at the park the other day. Mom wanted me to leave them, but I would not have it! Mom said the monster truck was missing a gun rack-these were common sights when she lived in Oregon. I love them.
I am playing with my Dad on the bed. We have a good time. I like it when he chases me.
Not fair! The tickling! I'm only 21 pounds, you're big!
We went out to look at the apples growing on the tree. We got back inside just in time. It started to rain hard.

Grand view

Yes, that's Mount Rainier in the background. This is the dog park. A rare photo of my mother and me. How Seattle cliche can you get with the mountain and the latte? Oh-this is my new back pack from Uncle Colin. We have been using it everyday since we retired the bjorn.
I enjoy going to the park and seeing all the dogs.
This is another view going down the hill to the lower part of the park. Una is running around like she's supposed to.
Back at home, I tried some broccoli. Dad has away of getting me to try new things. I rarely do this for Mom.
This is me eating Cheddar Bunnies. They are organic. Mom added a leopard to my shirt.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Slide? I want snacks!

Rowan No Walk 2

Rowan will not walk

My parents are trying to trick me. They want me to go from the cabinet to my Dad, standing! I know! I think they are crazy too!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sprout TV-Goodnight Show

Nina on the Goodnight Show is one of my most favorite people. I love Nina. Tonight, she is showing the word "exercise" in sign language.
I actually tried to do it!
Woah, a little too much formula is a bad thing.....
This is me at Starbuck's earlier in the day. I love a good chocolate donut.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Trucks & Grandpa

I got to borrow this Tonka truck from my friend Kayden while he spends two weeks back on the east coast. His mother told my mother that this was the toy that got him to walk.....
It works! It rams well into walls, dogs, feet and all sorts of things.
Since it was a nice August day, we went back to the park. I can climb up on this first step. Last month, I could not do this.
There is a twirly thing up there that some other kid was playing with. I found it very entertaining.
Grandpa and his dog, Alfie, came to hang out with mom and me at the park. I found this rake. I also tried to squeeze under the 3" gap at the bottom of the park perimeter fence. Mom didn't let me get very far-spoilsport!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Nothing Exciting

We had a quiet week. I have been working on my balancing skills. I can stand a couple seconds by myself and then I can sit very controlled onto the floor. This weekend, my folks walked me down to the waterfront farmer's market. It was ok. I prefer crawling all over things rather than sitting in a stroller.
Sunday evening, I was able to use my walker by myself!
Until I hit the laundry. A little anti climactic.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wearing one of my new shirts......

It's come to the point where my blog entry has a lame title. Sorry. I am wearing one of my new tie dye shirts. It's one of Mom's more successful ones.
I cut my chin on Grandma Judy's fireplace hearth a couple days ago. There was a lot of blood, but I was ok.
Here's another view of my shirt. I just woke up from my morning nap, so I look a little dazed.

Monday, August 4, 2008

New Miles Stones!

Hey! You will never guess what I am throwing......Mom's newly hand dyed yarn!
This is so much fun! Grandma Judy started it......
I got to spend a little time with Tha tha on this trip. He hung out with me on the play structure.
Check this out-I am standing all by myself. I do not realize that I am doing such a good balance job because I am distracting myself with spinning the steering wheel. I did this about a half a dozen times. Also, I am starting to cut my upper teeth! More on that later.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Tie Dye

Mom spent a lot of this trip learning how to tie dye. She says that it is definitely an art. Somethings turned out great, others not so great. The inspiration for the project is a lack of colorful clothes for boys.
She dyed yarn too. She's into knitting fair isle sweaters.
This was my first bus ride into downtown Park City. The Art Fair started last night. I found it really interesting until I realized that my mother was not nearby and I started crying.
Grandma Judy bought me this Bee. It makes noise. I love making noise.