Friday, March 28, 2008

Exploring continues....

This is an interesting unused corner of the living room. There seems to be a big ball here.
This ball is so interesting and so is my tongue.
I can't seem to keep my mouth shut.
It's a good thing that it's so humid here in the Seattle area, otherwise I would be really thirsty. I am starting to keep my parents on their toes. No longer can they sit and watch me!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Swimming-It's Tuesday Night!

Grandma Jeanie joined us tonight for swimming. She took the pictures. Here I am. I am kicking. Not bad for 9 months.
Working on floating. I do not like being on my back. Mom still has some baby weight to lose. Dad looks good.
I get it Mom. Kick kick kick.
Not sure which water toy. The rubber duck or the fish? Swimming is always a good time. It sure makes me tired. I went to bed 20 minutes earlier!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

New Lands to food too

I can go from Aqua land to Orange land all on my own. No, not by crawling but rolling with finesse.
I found some exotic food in Orange land. Hmmmm. Looks like cheerios, kind of....
This is fascinating....
On Easter, I got to spend a little time with Grandpa Norm and
Grandma Jeanie. I saw Aunt Megan, Patrick and his twins too. I got a little over stimulated and ended up taking my afternoon nap a little earlier than usual.

Oh a note on sleep training. I cried for 36 minutes on Friday Night before I fell asleep, and last night, I only cried for 3 minutes!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Baby Crack

Whenever I get this vacuous grin on my face, it can only mean one thing.....(please take note of the two tiny teeth sprouting out of my lower jaw)
The Teletubbies are on! I LOVE the baby sun. That's my favorite part. I can only watch about 5-10 minutes and then I start getting cranky because it's my nap time.
I hung out with Dad on the floor last night.
It was good times. Unfortunately, my folks are talking about sleep training starting Friday night. I wonder what that means?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Getting Teased

Here I am, watching Sprout TV......
And Una comes up and licks my ear!
I try to grab her, but she is fast and stays right out of range.....
Oh. I just can't get the dog.
Yesterday I got this new sweater vest from Mom. It sure is bright! She thinks boy's clothes can be dull. She and Grandma Judy are going to have a baby clothes tie dye fest this summer. I can't wait to see what she makes me.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Oh, maybe my rain pants will provide me with some teething relief......
Or maybe this frog...his legs are so tender and rubbery...
Ahhh. Finally, some infant's Motrin and a good nap. Relief.


Grandma Judy came to visit last week.
I can get into the crawling position, but that is as far as it gets. I still rely on rolling to get around.
I now eat solid foods. Yo baby yogurt is one of my favorites. Also, I am working on my first tooth. More on that later....
Yogurt, Cheerios, and some baby food.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Aunt Megan!

I love Aunt Megan. She swoops in like a golden haired angel and takes care of me.
Look at the adoration of me in her eyes...oh Aunt Megan.....