Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Playing with Tha Tha

Tha Tha is my other grandfather that I do not get to see a lot of. We had some good bonding moments this week. Here's one of them.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

2nd Christmas!

Wouldn't you know...Mom forgot her camera when packing to Utah! And Grandma's was broken. Grandma bought a new one yesterday.

We had a bad flight. Everything was going as planned-I even fell asleep! But the plane did NOT take off. The pilot opened the window and could not shut it. We sat on the plane for 2 hours until they moved us to a second plane. That plane took off, but once we flew over Boise, the pilot announced that the Salt Lake airport was closed due to a blizzard and that we were landing in Reno. After refueling, we took offf for Salt Lake. They managed to open one runway. We landed at about midnight. We met Grandma Judy & Tha tha. We got our luggage, and drove up the mountain in a small blizzard. Grandma's Subaru did a great job. We made it to Park City by 1:30am and we were all in bed by 2:00am.

I had a great 2nd Christmas-I got Elmo Live and some more wooden train stuff.

I got a second lion in case something happens to the other one.....
I love sitting in Grandma's drawers!
Grandma took me over to Mary Jane & Paul's. They had some neat trains!

I loved watching them.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

We celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve at Aunt Megan & Patrick's House. It was a challenge parking because there still was a ton of snow on the side streets.I got into the Christmas spirit. Toys, toys, I want toys!
Oh look! I got the Fur Real Kitty! It acts like a real cat. My parents tell me that it's the realist cat that I will ever have.
I love it. It purrs and meows. I also got some Thomas the train stuff and hot wheels. It was a good night.
Also, I enjoy a good house streak after a nice hot bath. It's exhilarating!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Did I mention that it was cold?

Well, it's a white winter solstice! I am standing in the shed because whenever my Dad sets me out in the snow, I cry. We had a storm last night with a lot of wind. Fortunately, we did not lose power.
The snow has drifted across the driveway. We are staying home today. The roads will be all ice and the only way the ice is removed is when it melts. The Seattle metro area does not have the snow clearing abilities that other places do. Dad's not sure if he's going to be able to get into work tomorrow.
Una kind of liked the snow-but she kept falling through. She did not want to play ball.
Here's our other car. The battery died. Poor bug. More later.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Counting to two

I have been practicing my counting with Grandma & Grandpa. I seem to like the number two.....

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Too cold for Western Washington!

It has been really cold for Washington state-so my friends and I have been playing a lot indoors.
We have been playing really well, not too many disagreements.

When my little buddies aren't around-I like playing ball with Lily & Una.
I really enjoy this. My parents are happy because I get tired and I get the dogs tired.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

In the Dryer

Mom was talking on the phone to Grandma. She just filled the laundry basket with clothes and was going to put wet clothes in the dryer...guess what! I was already there!
Mom had to wait for me to come out. It only took a couple minutes until the novelty of it wore off.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Cramer's came for dinner!

The Cramer's came over for dinner. This is Carson-he's a year older than me and so much fun!
We were wrestling with my stuffed animals. Carson has Miss Kitty.
And then we wrestled with each other! Fun! No one got hurt.
We had a really good time.
Oh yeah. This is his sister, Veta. She liked playing with Una & Lily.

Christmas Card

This is my 2008 Christmas Card. Because I was such an unwilling model, my parents had to piece it together...including the beard. I wonder what next year's will be?

Saturday, November 29, 2008


We celebrated Thanksgiving a day late. I dressed up for the occasion. I got my Swiss Misster outfit out of the closet!
Here's a no dog shot.
Booty shot. If it didn't have the suspenders the lederhosen would just drop off.....
This was a family shot, taken by my friend Kaden's Mom. Unfortunately, I did not have a very good holiday dinner. I cried a lot. I think I was over tired and I was teething.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Toddle Time!

Here's my friend Kaden. I love taking things from him. Although, he's starting to fight back. My Mom keeps telling him to sit on me. Kaden has a really nice collection of cars and trucks. I love playing over at his place.
This is my other friend, Josh-not to be confused with my Dad. They share a name. He's a little older than the rest of us and definitely more mature.
This is Sabrina-she's the baby of the group. Only 13 months.
Oh my gosh. I LOVE hugging this ball.
I still mainly play with the trains at preschool. This would be a great case any of you were wondering what I would want for Christmas. You can still see the yellowish bruise on my forehead from my double concussion. Nice.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Portable snuggle pits

I love getting in a contained space with ALL my stuffed animals. My parents were getting tired of this event happening in my crib so it was moved out to the laundry basket.
Notice the nice yellow bruise left over from my double concussion.I just love my stuffed animals.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Double Concussion!

Can you see the left side of my forehead-your right? Well, last night, I was bouncing Howdy the Cow and I pitched forward-right into the corner of my wooden toy box. That's how I got the vertical scratch. After I had calmed down, about 10 minutes later-I smacked the same spot horizontally-there's another mark......It was a bad night. Then my mother kept waking me up every three hours throughout the night, I guess to make sure that I would wake up. I look really ugly today, but I have been acting normal. Maybe I need another care giver....

Monday, November 10, 2008

Christmas Card not going as planned....

My Mom tried to get a good Christmas card photo. But I wasn't giving it to her.I HATE this beard!
That's much better, but not the vision that Mom had.

We tried another approach-but Dad was in them all and he looked a little greasy.
On a positive note-I really like my potty. It makes lots of sounds. I'm not very interested in sitting on it though. Maybe it might be a good subject for the Christmas card.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Voting & Pre School

I went voting with my folks on Tuesday morning. It was raining.
That's my Dad voting for Obama. My Mom did too.
At pre school this week I played mainly with the trains. They are so much fun. I am much better at keeping them on the tracks.
I took a little time away from the trains to play with the cow.I also crawled through the fabric tunnels. I love this place! I fell asleep on the way home. I didn't even wake up when Mom was stuffing me into my pajamas.