Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I'm excited, I feel like something is going on tonight!
Oh, we are back here at the pool. That's interesting. I remember leaving here last Thursday in tears.... Are my parents trying to punish me?

I wasn't very happy in the pool, but this rubber torpedo and a squishy ball kept my attention for the entire time! I made it! I am the youngest one in the class (and we all happen to be boys...?). All the other kids can walk unassisted. I understand that I will be doing this every Tuesday night...I will keep my progress posted.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Having a good time!

I love spending time with my Dad. He takes great care of me even though his methods are different from Mommy's. I really like it when he comes home from work and spends some one on one time with me on weekend mornings. I am working hard to get his Swiss glasses.....one of these days!

Friday, December 14, 2007


I took my first swimming lesson last night at the local pool. This is my gorilla swimsuit that Aunt Megan bought me ages ago. It's hiding the "Dora the Explorer" diaper. But I am a modern boy, I can wear pink.... How did the lesson go? Well, the first 5 minutes were interesting, then I whined for over 10 minutes, and by the time Dad showed up from work to see how things were going, I was screaming my head off. The swim staff said that I did better than most 3 year olds. I go back on Tuesday.

Mom was irritated about the lack of infant amenities in the locker room. (We have to be patient with her she's trying to get off her PPD medication.) I had to be changed on the floor and it was rocky.
This is me after after the lesson. I was so tired. Mom and Dad were able to have a quiet dinner.
This is me this very morning. Mom found this shirt in my closet (also from Aunt M). We e-mailed the picture to Dad.
I love this carrot (also from Aunt M!) Check out my leg warmers. They are good for the Seattle Climate of cold & damp. I'll write more soon. Stay in touch.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Blacksher Christmas

We celebrated Sunday, December 9th, because my parents and I will be in Utah on Christmas. I loved the crinkling of the paper. It was fun!
I got this great hat from Aunt Megan and Patrick. I plan on sporting it in Park City next week. It also came with matching mitties.

A side story-I wore this hat to the dog park yesterday and a fellow dogwalker mistook me for a dog in a pouch. Silly lady, she had to look twice to see that I was a handsome young man
I got a little cranky, so Grandpa tried to settle me down.
Grandma Jeanie got a GREAT gift-the book of me, my first 6 months. Oops. I hope Grandma Judy doesn't look at this blog before Christmas. She loved it!
This is Patrick. You've seen Aunt Megan. You'll probably see more of him at Blacksher events. He's nice, but not a big "baby" holder. That's ok, I LOVE it when my Aunt M holds me.


I recently went to California in early December. A quick trip to meet some cousins. My Cousin Zach (that's him in the black/grey shirt)turned 5, and he had a big party. Xander is my other cousin.
This is uncle Chris. He doesn't look very happy holding me. Aunt Jill was a lot more into it-the holding of me...that is.
Tha tha and Grandma Judy were at this event. It was a big party...
Aunt Sheila, Uncle Pete, and cousins Surina and Maya made it. So did Second cousin Johanna - that's her on the right.
She lulled me to sleep that siren.

Overall it was an exciting trip. Lots of walks and watching bigger kids play. I hope to go back soon.

A Blacksher Thanksgiving

I love bottles. I tried several new kinds.
This is my Aunt Megan. Pretty cute huh? She and Patrick hosted Thanksgiving this year.

I got to sit at the dinner table with my Dad.

My First Christmas Card Photo Shoot

This was the "chosen" photo because it was the overall best.
I started having some trouble soon after.......

This is so exhausting!!!!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Getting to know my dogs better

I love my dogs! I find them very entertaining-even when they sniff my butt. Una is my sleeping companion. She got shaved because she insists on jumping into mud puddles at the dog park.
I am wearing a sweater that Mom originally knit for cousin Surina. Purple is the color of Kings!

Eating Solid foods......

Although I love spending time with Grandpa Norm, I HATE solid foods! Mother has been trying to shove all sorts of things into my mouth! I can tolerate oatmeal, and applesauce, but even then I have to be in the right mood. My doctor told Mommy that I had good taste and that she needed to step up and start making my food-like sweet potatoes straight from the oven, and bananas freshly mashed. So far I have only had the mashed bananas and they are a lot better than that stuff in the jar!


Now that it's getting cold, I have to wear this silly bear suit out. The good news is that I have out grown now!

Utah - Late October to Early November

November was my fifth month. I became really good at rolling over and grabbing Mommy's hair and toys. I really liked this dog at Grandma Judy's house. Also, Tha tha and Grandma Judy said that I was the most important event that happened this year, being their 9th Grandchild, so I made their Christmas Card! (Good thing Tha tha didn't win the Nobel Prize.) This was the selected picture.

Catching up

Hi everyone, sorry it has been so long since my last entry. My mother is now adding to my blog. A lot has been going on since October 25th. This picture was taken in Utah right before Halloween. Originally, my Grandma Jeanie bought me a jumperoo. I loved it so much Grandma Judy got me one for her house. I can jump, jump and jump! I never knew such crazy fun existed.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hanging with auntie M

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I have hair!

Oh wait, is the dog sitting on my head?